Burwood Brickworks

A community hub in Melbourne’s East

Nestled in the heart of East Melbourne, Burwood Brickworks Shopping Centre is your ultimate destination for shopping, dining, family entertainment, and relaxation. This vibrant centre boasts an array of restaurants, a cinema, and multiple wellness stores for your leisure.


Burwood Brickworks



The Brief

Social Fixation was commissioned to capture the essence of Burwood Brickworks by highlighting a variety of businesses within the shopping centre. The objective was to create engaging photo and video content to enhance their online presence.

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The Work

Over the course of two days, we produced and delivered a total of 15 videos showcasing a total of 11 different businesses and a total of 120 images. These assets were provided to Burwood Brickworks for use across various platforms, amplifying their marketing efforts and audience engagement. Businesses we worked with for this project included Ben and Jerry’s, Gotacha Tea, Rosa Mexicano and more.

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